Sat within the Charlotte Street conservation area, Arthur Stanley House sees the reinvention of a decaying 1960's block in Fitzrovia, central London. Originally designed by TP Bennett Architects as part of the Middlesex Hospital estate, the building opened in 1965 as a centre specialising in Physiotherapy. Originally comprised of wards and consultation rooms on the upper floors with a hydrotherapy pool in the basement, the building was home to the University of College London Hospital Trust until 2005, when the trust relocated. Since then, the building has remained vacant and left to decline.
Structurally, the existing building has a hollow pot reinforced concrete frame with brickwork elevations and single glazed windows. The new scheme has refurbished the original brickwork, added depth to the facade with the addition of generous stone reveals, and replaced the existing windows with new high quality triple glazing that meets modern standards. The original top floor plant room and prominent loggia along the Tottenham Street elevation has been replaced with a new office floor plate and a full-length south facing terrace with far reaching views across London.
As part of the development, a new residential building has also been provided comprising of ten new homes organised around a central internal core, with two apartments at each floor. The new residential facade responds to the immediate context of Tottenham Mews re-establishing a street frontage to what was once a barb wired lined brick wall.