Member’s Hill Weybridge is an independent retirement community on part of the site of the former Brooklands Automobile Track. Built in 1906, Brooklands was the world's first purpose-built motor racing circuit.

Surrounded by designated Ancient Woodland, the 3.63 hectare site is currently home to a 1980s office building and accompanying car park. The site’s elevated position allows for extensive views across the racetrack and the Surrey Hills beyond.

AHMM’s proposal retains and repurposes much of the existing five storey office block, while the existing parking structure will be replaced with two new 5-7 storey residential buildings. Each one has been designed with its own subtle character, using materials, colour palettes and architectural details that complement one another as well as the surrounding area and the site’s rich history.

Providing a mix of two and three bedroom homes designed to suit the needs of older people, the three buildings are centred around a new landscaped village square from which residents and the local community can access the internal and external amenity spaces.

Working in collaboration with Socius (development manager), Arup (structural and building services engineer) and BHSL (landscape architect), the team has strived to create a joyful, accessible and secure set of homes that celebrate the beautiful and historic setting of both the Brooklands racetrack and the Ancient Woodland.


A win at Brooklands Automobile Track 23.03.23
