Barns Road is one of three projects won as part of an Oxford City Council bid in December 2010. These projects are collectively known as the HAB Oakus Oxford Project, and consist of Dora Carr Close, Westlands Drive and Barns Road within Oxford. The overall project objectives were to provide a mix of social rented, shared ownership and market housing including a target of 70% affordable housing across three sites owned by Oxford City Council. Together the three sites will provide a variety of different building typologies, including a community centre, community rooms, retail and workshop facilities, two mansion blocks and terrace housing providing a total of 108 residential units. The project was developed through a series of public consultation events with local communities and stakeholders, and a contemporary yet contextual response was developed for the three schemes with a common materiality providing a consistent identity across the sites. Barns Road is located in the in the ward of Cowley, approximately three miles south-east of Oxford City Centre, and occupies a prominent position opposite to the Temple Cowley Shopping Centre. The scheme consists of a strong curved frontage along Barns Road and comprises community rooms, retail and workshop provisions for the Emmaus homelessness charity, with three floors of residential units above totalling 40 units and an overall gross internal area of 4,060sqm. The ground floor frontage facing Barns Road is activated with three dynamic art installation, informed by the history of the site and proposed uses, by the artist Martin Richman.

  • 2017 Oxford Preservation Trust Award
  • 2017 RIBA Regional Award for Architecture
Oxford, UK
GreenSquare Group

Awards wins in London and Oxford 08.11.17

Civic Trust Awards regional finalists announced 03.11.17

Building Awards shortlist 31.07.17

RIBA South award for Barns Road 26.05.17

On site in Oxford 30.01.15
