The site is surrounded by 3 railway tracks and has only one access point. It is currently used as a light industrial area and the project will reinstate public realm and approximately 250 new homes in addition to the re-provision of approximately 3,400 sqm of light industrial accommodation. 12

The Masterplan creates new roads into the site from the existing access road at the north.New public realm will be created, with a new residential street providing a route through to a new public East-West street at the centre of the site.

More flexible commercial space will be created in the northern part of the site. The commercial buildings will be split in two blocks, linked by their own access road and service yard.

New private courtyards will provide amenity space for all ages, with imaginative play areas and landscaped open spaces. The courtyards are located at the south of the site, providing a safe enclosed area for the residents.

Active frontage will be prioritised across the masterplan with duplex apartments at the base of the residential courtyard buildings screened off the public landscaping by private terraces.

The housing will all meet London Housing Design Guide and Lifetime Homes standards, and will include 10% wheelchair users apartments with dedicated parking.

Wimbledon, London
